excel 단축키

엠칩 2022. 3. 14. 15:40

Workbook Shortcut Keys

In this section, we will understand the basics of operating a workbook. We will learn how to create a new workbook, open an existing workbook, and save a spreadsheet so that you don’t lose any data or calculations that you have done. We will then go through how you can toggle between several different sheets in a workbook. 

Description Excel Shortcuts 
1. To create a new workbook Ctrl + N
2. To open an existing workbook Ctrl + O
3. To save a workbook/spreadsheet Ctrl + S
4. To close the current workbook Ctrl + W
5. To close Excel Ctrl + F4
6. To move to the next sheet (시트이동) Ctrl + PageDown
7. To move to the previous sheet (시트이동) Ctrl + PageUp
8. To go to the Data tab (데이타 탭으로) Alt + A
9. To go to the View tab (보기 탭으로) Alt + W
10. To go the Formula tab (수식 탭으로) Alt + M

Those were the Excel shortcuts that can help you navigate through your spreadsheet. Once the workbook creation is done, the next key step is cell formatting.

Cell Formatting Shortcut Keys

A cell in Excel holds all the data that you are working on. Several different shortcuts can be applied to a cell, such as editing a cell, aligning cell contents, adding a border to a cell, adding an outline to all the selected cells, and many more. Here is a sneak peek into these Excel shortcuts.

Description Excel Shortcuts 
11. To edit a cell F2
12. To copy and paste cells Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V
13. To italicize and make the font bold (글자 모양 바꾸기 이탤릭, 볼드) Ctrl + I, Ctrl + B
14. To center align cell contents Alt + H + A + C  (위아래중간)
Alt + H + C + 2  (좌우중간)
15. To fill color Alt + H + H
16. To add a border 테두리 Alt + H + B
17. To remove outline border Ctrl + Shift + _
18. To add an outline to the select cells Ctrl + Shift + &
19. To move to the next cell Tab
20. To move to the previous cell Shift + Tab
21. To select all the cells on the right Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow
22. To select all the cells on the left Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
23. To select the column from the selected cell to the end of the table Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
24. To select all the cells above the selected cell Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow
25. To select all the cells below the selected cell  Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow

Alt + H + B +   이런건 외우지 말자

In addition to the above-mentioned cell formatting shortcuts, let’s look at a few more additional and advanced cell formatting Excel shortcuts, that might come handy. 

We will learn how to add a comment to a cell. Comments are helpful when giving extra information about cell content. We will also learn how to find value and replace it with another value in the spreadsheet. After this, we will look into how to insert the current time, current date, activate a filter, and add a hyperlink to a cell. Finally, we will see how to apply a format to the data in a cell.

Description Excel Shortcuts 
26. To add a comment to a cell Shift + F2
27. To delete a cell comment Shift + F10 + D
28. To display find and replace Ctrl + H
29. To activate the filter Ctrl + Shift + L
Alt + Down Arrow
30. To insert the current date Ctrl + ;
31. To insert current time Ctrl + Shift + :
32. To insert a hyperlink Ctrl + k
33. To apply the currency format Ctrl + Shift + $
34. To apply the percent format Ctrl + Shift + %
35. To go to the “Tell me what you want to do” box Alt + Q

After working with cell formatting Excel shortcuts, the next step is to understand how to work with an entire row/column in Excel. 

Row and Column Formatting Shortcut Keys

In this section, we’ll look at some critical row and column formatting shortcuts.

We will understand how to delete rows and columns, hide and unhide the selected rows and columns, and group and ungroup rows and columns.

Description Excel Shortcuts 
36. To select the entire row Shift + Space
37. To select the entire column Ctrl + Space
38. To delete a column Alt+H+D+C
39. To delete a row / Insert a row Shift + Space, Ctrl + -  / Ctrl + +
40. To hide selected row Ctrl + 9
41. To unhide selected row Ctrl + Shift + 9
42. To hide a selected column Ctrl + 0
43. To unhide a selected column Ctrl + Shift + 0
44. To group rows or columns Alt + Shift + Right arrow
45. To ungroup rows or columns Alt + Shift + Left arrow

Now that we have looked at the different shortcut keys for formatting cells, rows, and columns, it is time to jump into understanding an advanced topic in Excel, i.e. dealing with pivot tables. Let’s look at the different shortcuts to summarize your data using a pivot table.

Pivot Table Shortcut Keys

First, let’s create a pivot table using a sales dataset.

In the image below you can see that we have a pivot table to summarize the total sales for each subcategory of the product under each category.

Fig: Pivot table using sales data

46. To group pivot table items Alt + Shift + Right arrow

The image below depicts that we have grouped the sales of bookcases and chairs subcategories into Group 1.

47. To ungroup pivot table items Alt + Shift + Left arrow
48. To hide pivot table items Ctrl + -

You can see below we have hidden the Chairs, Art, and Label subcategories.

49. To create a pivot chart on the same sheet Alt + F1
50. To create a pivot chart on a new worksheet F11

Fig: Pivot chart on the same sheet

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